Grant Applications
Grant Application Process
MERIT welcomes applications from teachers, administrators and residents for proposals that address curriculum-related learning projects. The projects should enhance and improve the educational services of the Millis Public School system.
MERIT has established the following criteria when prioritizing applications for awards:
- The proposal is a curriculum-enhancing program not typically funded by the school budget.
- The proposal employs innovative methods and techniques to inform and educate.
- The proposal has a direct impact on the largest number of current and future students.
- The proposal encourages professional staff development.
- The proposal shows the most promise for significantly strengthening the educational process.
Grant Timeline
MERIT will begin accepting applications on June 1st, 2022. Grants will be awarded bi-annually. First review will be in December, second review will be in May. We encourage early applications.
Round 1: Submit before November 16, 2022, ……. Application reviewed on December 13, 2022
Round 2: Submit before April 11, 2023, ……. Application reviewed on May 9, 2023
A progress report must be submitted to MERIT within 12 months of Grantee Award in order to be considered for future Grant monies. For specific dates and information, please see the application instructions.
Recent Grant Awards
Look at previous grant awards to see other examples of how MERIT has been involved and helping teachers and students be innovative and forward thinking.
Application Instructions
View information for the grant application submission process on Google Docs. Please contact us if you have any questions or need any help.
Application Online Form
The Grant application is online and hosted through Google Docs. Please see the instructions link above if you have need any help filling out the form.
Grantee Progress Report
MERIT is interested in knowing the results of the projects we have funded. If you are a recent Grant Recipient, please complete all questions on this form and submit. Reports are due on or before November 1, 2025.